cr.appliance has excellent links with many representatives of scientific institutions, hospitals, regulatory authorities and industrial managers and is actively involved in a number of expert networks as well as regulatory networks.
- clinphase – clinical pharmacology services []
- Exalon – Electronic Submission Services []
- ExCard Research GmbH – High quality centralized diagnostic ECG Services []
- Pharm Analyt – Bioanalytics []
- Regulatory Benefits []
- Dirk Lehnick [] Head Biostatistics & Methodology CTU-CS, University of Lucerne, 6002 Lucerne, Switzerland
- XPD Consulting []
Andrew Parkinson, Shawnee, Kansas, USA - Amin Rostami-Hodjegan
Centre for Applied Pharmacokinetic Research (CAPKR), Pharmacy School,
University of Manchester
- ACCP (American College of Clinical Pharmacology) []
- ERS (European Respiratory Society) []
- ISAM (International Society for Aerosols in Medicine e.V.) []
- DGPharMed (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pharmazeutische Medizin e.V.; German Association for Pharmaceutical Medicine) []
- AGAH (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Angewandte Humanpharmakologie e.V.;
Association for Applied Human Pharmacology) []