DDI Workshop 2010 , Marbach Castle, June 7th
The organisation team reports a big success regarding the drug-drug-interaction (DDI) workshop, which was held from May 30th to June 01st at Marbach Castle, Lake Constance in Germany. More than 60 experts from 11 countries and 5 participants at the industry exhibition joined the meeting on DDIs. New methods and approaches for the investigation of drug candidates have become necessary due to the increasing complexity of this scientific area. Changes in the existing guideline on drug interactions must follow. Recently the European Medicines Agency (EMA) published a draft of the revised guideline, which was discussed in several talks at the DDI Workshop. In the US a new version of the existing FDA drug interaction guideline is under discussion but not published yet. Discussion of the current scientific status between representatives of the industry, regulatory bodies, and academia are of great importance and were successfully realized at the DDI Workshop.